Showing: 7 - 11 of 11 Articles

3 Ways To Lower The Risks Of Postnatal Depression In New Mums

The statistics say that 1 in 7 women experience postnatal depression. However, these numbers are NOT accurate. Why? Because they refer only to the reported cases. However, there are still many mums who suffer in silence and never reach out for help. In fact, statistics say that 58% of new mums who feel depressed never …

I Asked PND Survivors What They Knew About PND While Pregnant. The Answers Are Shocking!

In connection with Mental Health Awareness weel I decided to some research and see what mums who overcome postnatal depression (PND) knew about this mental illness before their baby arrived. Personally, I knew postnatal depression existed, but that was pretty much it. I hadn’t thought it could happen to me. Not because I’d thought I …

8 Motherhood facts motherhood most (new) mums find out TOO LATE!

Discover 8 shocking facts about motherhood that no one else will tell you and that most mums wish they had known earlier! When I was pregnant with my twin boys, I spent a lot of time preparing for their arrival. I read tons of parenting books. I attended antenatal classes. I asked questions and spoke …