Showing: 1 - 6 of 29 Articles

Introducing T.A.L.K. – a powerful method for good mental wellbeing

People often ask me how I managed to pull through postnatal depression. They ask me how to maintain good mental health after having a baby, and how to cope with common challenges. Although there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to your mental well-being, I have put all the crucial steps …

How To Get Your Partner To Help With The Baby (The 1 Way That Actually Works!)

HOW DO I GET MY HUSBAND TO HELP WITH THE BABY? This is the question many new mums ask – way more often than you would have thought! It’s no secret that having a baby puts a strain on many relationships. There is no wonder! Your life as you know it changes from one day …

7 Simple tips to make new mum friends (even if you are an introvert)

Having real friends makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE in the way a new mum experiences motherhood. Without friends, a new mum simply cannot thrive. Especially a first-time mum! I can still vividly remember how lonely I felt after becoming a mum. I found it really hard to cope with all the changes that motherhood brought into …

Shrewsbury maternity scandal: Natural isn’t always the natural way

“What’s wrong?” my husband Yaw asked as I entered a room holding our 4-month old baby in my arms. “Have you read about the Shrewsbury Maternity Scandal?” I asked. “No, what happened?” he said. I sat next to him and started reading the story that I had come across only a few minutes earlier on …