Do you like Pinterest, guys?

I absolutely love it!

Scrolling through it now, I came across a few pictures that made me feel happy and relaxed… Wonderful feeling.

You know this type of pictures, music, smells, views, experiences, people, words… that make you feel good just by being? Exactly this type!  How little is enough (sometimes) to feel good, isn’t it?

As a huge fan of positive energy or even more precisely – of spreading positive energy, I decided to share some of them with you! Hope they will make you feel as good as they made me.

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the change it had to go through to acheive that beauty." ~Maya Angelou|


African sunset by Christian Heeb

Seriously, the cutest baby photos you've ever seen! Get great ideas for your own newborn, 6month, 1 year or other cute baby photo ideas. These are great for a girl or boy photo shoot, indoor or outdoor. #babyphotos #cutebabies

40 Autumn Themed Orange Photography Ideas


source: unknown


Winter sunset ? 

source: unknown

Estudiosos da Saúde informam: Tomar muito Sol - a Vitam. D3, direto na pele, evitando apenas a queimadura; proporciona e devolve a saúde, livrando-se de inúmeras doenças físicas, mentais, emocionais, inclusive as mais graves. Sunlight diamonds Sol - sunset sunrise - sun 

source: unknown

Beautiful background roses for valentine´s day Free Photo

It’s a beautiful day to be alive! xx

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