Showing: 61 - 66 of 66 Articles
Mums Pretend to Be Happy

Why new mums pretend to be happy when feeling depressed?

Did you know? The majority of mums (especially new mums) pretend to be happy, while inside, they’re falling apart. Why? As a new mother, you’re thrown into a whole new world. A world that is much different than you had thought it would be. Nothing is like you had expected. Suddenly, you’re holding a baby …

8 Motherhood facts motherhood most (new) mums find out TOO LATE!

Discover 8 shocking facts about motherhood that no one else will tell you and that most mums wish they had known earlier! When I was pregnant with my twin boys, I spent a lot of time preparing for their arrival. I read tons of parenting books. I attended antenatal classes. I asked questions and spoke …

Feeling sad after having a baby? THIS will help you! (success guaranteed)

I’ll never forget the moment when I was looking at my few days old babies as a new mum with tears rolling down my face. Tears of sadness. I felt incredibly lonely and regretted the decision to have children. We were staying with our twin boys at the NIC unit at the time as the …