Showing: 7 - 12 of 66 Articles
baby scan and gender disappointment,

Sad About Your Baby’s Sex? Gender Disappointment Is Real And Here’s How To Cope

Have you found out the gender of your baby but instead of joy you feel disappointment? Did you hope for a girl and found out you are having a boy – or vice versa? I have been there too! Discover 9 Motherhood Secrets Most Parents Find Out TOO LATE This FREE pdf reveals the best-kept …

How To Get Your Partner To Help With The Baby (The 1 Way That Actually Works!)

HOW DO I GET MY HUSBAND TO HELP WITH THE BABY? This is the question many new mums ask – way more often than you would have thought! It’s no secret that having a baby puts a strain on many relationships. There is no wonder! Your life as you know it changes from one day …

7 Simple tips to make new mum friends (even if you are an introvert)

Having real friends makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE in the way a new mum experiences motherhood. Without friends, a new mum simply cannot thrive. Especially a first-time mum! I can still vividly remember how lonely I felt after becoming a mum. I found it really hard to cope with all the changes that motherhood brought into …

35 Mums Share What They Wish They Had Known Before Having Their Baby

Becoming a first-time mum is wonderful and scary at the same time. You have millions of questions running through your mind and it seems impossible to answer them all. Am I going to be a good mum? Do I have everything ready? Have I missed anything? How painful is childbirth? What if something goes wrong?  …