We all have been there! As a parent, you DO have days when you feel stressed, anxious, and under pressure. In the post What helps me to get through those tough days, I share simple tips that help me deal with those moments when my children drive me crazy. However, there are moments when we …
8 Simple tips for surviving the extra hard mum days
Every mum has hard motherhood days. It doesn’t matter if you have one child, twins, or five children. Every mum has days when she feels on the edge. There are days when all you want to do is lock yourself in a room and scream. It happens to all of us! I have two one-year-old …
Feeling sad after having a baby? THIS will help you! (success guaranteed)
I’ll never forget the moment when I was looking at my few days old babies as a new mum with tears rolling down my face. Tears of sadness. I felt incredibly lonely and regretted the decision to have children. We were staying with our twin boys at the NIC unit at the time as the …