Showing: 7 - 12 of 21 Articles

3 Ways To Lower The Risks Of Postnatal Depression In New Mums

The statistics say that 1 in 7 women experience postnatal depression. However, these numbers are NOT accurate. Why? Because they refer only to the reported cases. However, there are still many mums who suffer in silence and never reach out for help. In fact, statistics say that 58% of new mums who feel depressed never …

Why famous people talking about postnatal depression WON’T stop the stigma

‘I didn’t want to be here anymore after having a baby. I went to the darkest place I’ve been in my life.’ Kate Lawler has recently admitted she had postnatal depression. As she said in the DailyMail article, ‘the first year of motherhood was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I didn’t enjoy every …

PND survivor launches life-changing course for new mums during COVID-19

I am excited to announce the launch of my new online course I put together with an NHS midwife Marley Hall to help prevent new or expectant mothers from falling into the trap of postnatal depression during COVID-19 and beyond. The course is called Get Prepared for Motherhood Like No One Else and it bridges …

postnatal depression story

Postnatal Depression Was The Loneliest Experience I Don’t Wish On Anyone (My Honest PND Story)

I feel incredibly lucky and grateful for my wonderful family. But I didn’t always feel this way. The beginning of my motherhood journey (also known as the postpartum or postnatal period) was rather horrific. In the first months of being a new mum, I suffered severe postnatal depression. (also known as postpartum depression, PPD, or …

I survived PND. My Kids Are Now Adults. Would I Have Done Anything Differently?

Guest post  Here I welcome Rachel Hunter N.N.E.B, Private Nanny, Nursery Owner, Child Minder, TA, STA, and MUM. Rachel is a Holistic Therapist & works with Women and children at R&R Therapy, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE7 7LX. Rachel is a postnatal depression survivor and a mum to two adult children. In the below post, she …