The day started like any other until I opened my inbox and found an email saying that I am a finalist for Best Business Women Awards 2019 for Best Blogger!

Honestly, I had to pinch myself a few times at that moment before I realised it really was true!

I cannot even start to describe what a huge honour this is for me.

I started blogging about 3 years ago after I had overcome postnatal depression, with the one and only goal to help and support mums to never have to feel the way I did.

Being a new mum felt nothing like I had expected.

I’d thought it would be the best time of my life, when in fact, it was the worst time of my life.

My blog has been my outlet and the way to connect and support other new mums out there.

I absolutely LOVE it how this blog has been progressing!

At first, I was writing only about my own experiences, but after a while, I started to go deeper and reveal all the unspoken truths about motherhood which, I believe, could help – even save – many new mothers out there.

I started to share tips and advice on how to overcome common parenting problems and struggles and do my best to show new mothers that whatever they are going through, THEY ARE NOT ALONE.

Over time, I also started to write guest blogs, run online and in-person workshops, write the book Motherhood – The Unspoken, build online courses, and cooperate with other amazing people who have opened a lot of new doors for me.

At this point, I am proud to say I have built an audience of mothers who I absolutely love and am proud of for being so amazing!

And I hope this audience will never stop growing.

Looking back, I cannot believe what a journey it has been!


Seeing that my work, all those sleepless nights, tears, effort, and passion is helping YOU mamas to feel less lonely and scared, makes it all so bloody worth it!

It always feels like yesterday when our boys were only a few days old and I was sitting on a hospital bed, crying, feeling empty, and incredibly lonely…

This is something you cannot forget even if you tried and that works for me as an engine that drives me to help more and more new mums out there.

Thank you to all of you for your bottomless support!

A special THANK YOU belongs to my husband Yaw, as I would not have been able to do any of this if it wasn’t for his love, patience, and endless support. 

I am super excited about the GALA FINAL on the 11th of October 2019!

It’s actually the same day my book Motherhood – The Unspoken is going to be published on Amazon. How incredible is that??

It truly means the world to me to have the opportunity to be part of something so wonderful and to meet other amazing, talented people.

It will no doubt be one remarkable night!

But regardless of who becomes a winner, I promise to keep supporting you in every way possible.

Becoming a mum feels far from how it is being promoted on media and I am determined to change this and make it general knowledge of how it feels in real life.

I know it’s going to be a long and hard journey, but I promise I will never give up! I will always do my very best to help and support you.

For as long as I live.


Ivana xx

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