Showing: 43 - 48 of 66 Articles

I Asked PND Survivors What They Knew About PND While Pregnant. The Answers Are Shocking!

In connection with Mental Health Awareness weel I decided to some research and see what mums who overcome postnatal depression (PND) knew about this mental illness before their baby arrived. Personally, I knew postnatal depression existed, but that was pretty much it. I hadn’t thought it could happen to me. Not because I’d thought I …

Emma’s Story On PND and Running Marathon Only 7 Weeks After C-section

When I heard a story about this mum running a marathon shortly after birth, I knew I had to share her story with you.  Over to you, Emma.  I had an entry into the 2006 London marathon but unfortunately suffered an injury so had to defer. I then realised that if I moved quickly there …

7 Reasons You Should Talk About Your Feelings As a New Mum

Feeling overwhelmed as a new mum? Talk about it!  There are countless benefits of talking, but here’s number 1 – Talking can literally save you! I’ve met new, like-minded people I got to experience new, great things I got closer to my higher Self Relationships in my life improved I’ve helped and supported other parents …