It is 12 pm and I have just got back from a toddler playgroup. Shattered and in pain. (Both physical and mental, although I am not sure which one is worse). Peculiarly, this state has given me a fresh inspiration for a new post and share with you at least a vague idea of what …
Stupidly Easy Way To Defeat (Postnatal) Anxiety FAST
I sit on my seat by the window in a packed train fighting the wave of anxiety that is tirelessly trying to get to me. In case you didn’t know this about me – I suffer from anxiety disorder. Oh, and also claustrophobia. (But not to worry, I also have a great sense of humour, …

“I was left alone with my stillborn baby all night,” a mother describes how NHS massively failed her after she gave birth to a dead baby
I came across her one evening after having a very bad day with the boys while engaged in with a FB group. The moment I read her story, my eyes filled with tears. It was not only the story itself that caught my attention. It was also the strength and bravery I felt from her …

9 Tips On How To Get The Spark Back In a Relationship After Having a Baby
Did you know that a fifth of couples break up during the 12 months after welcoming their new arrival? That is a lot! In this blog post, I share 9 bullet-proof tips that will help you keep your relationship healthy & strong after the baby arrives and make it even better than before! Do you …
Baby stage vs toddler stage. Does it get easier?
As a new mum, you’ve probably wondered: When does it get easier? Is having a toddler easier than having a baby? And often, you’ll hear the answer: Never! While it might be said in jest, this is probably one of the worst responses a new mum can hear. I get it – it’s meant to …
A Letter To My Old Self – When I Was Suffering With Postnatal Depression
After having twins in 2016, I struggled with severe postnatal depression (PND). I struggled to connect with motherhood—I didn’t feel like a mum, couldn’t find joy in it, and wished desperately to go back in time. I felt isolated, trapped in my own life, and unable to see any light at the end of the …