Many expecting first-time mums wonder – How does my life change with the baby?

There is no easy answer to this one.

Every mum and her life is different so it depends on many different aspects.

When I was pregnant, life after the baby was a big unknown.

As for the life after baby, I have to admit, my expectations were rather naive.

Truth is that the more realistic expectations we have about life after the baby arrives, the easier things will be for you AND our baby. 

As I said, every mum is different and so is her experience with early motherhood.

However, there are certain things that are similar (or even identical) for every new mum out there regardless!

From hormonal and emotional changes to struggles associated with looking after a newborn.

Having a similar routine in the first weeks is certainly one of them!

You often have no idea what you are doing and simply go with whatever happens.

At this stage, it’s the BABY who is the boss!

Everything you do depends on what the baby does.

In the first weeks of motherhood, you spend most time feeding and changing nappies.

That is basically all you do all day long when having a newborn baby.

But don’t worry, it is all only temporary!

Before you know it, this stage will be just a distant memory.

However, as I said earlier – the more you prepare for it, the easier things will be for you and your family.

Below is an authentic routine of a new mum of a newborn baby. 

Please remember that every baby is different so don’t feel like this is exactly how things will be for you too once the baby arrives. 

See it as an example and like guidance, rather than something that’s set in stone. 

Authentic Newborn Routine

6.30-10.00 – sleep
10.10-10.34 – feed
10.40-10.55 – feed
11.15-12.30 – feed
13.30-5.30 – sleep
5.45 – feed
6.06-6.30 – sleep
8.45 – finished eating
10.15 – finished 100 ml
10.2- 5 – in the cot with the dummy
10.30 – asleep, dummy taken away
11.00 – awake on a lap with the dummy 1
1.25 – lots of crying, finger calmed her

11.35 – back in the cot

11.35 – out of the cot; non-stop crying
12.00 – changed nappy
12.10 – still crying 
12.30 – gave her 30 ml of milk; still crying
12.40 – gave another 30 ml; less crying
12.55 – quiet, sleeping in her grandma’s arms as she attempts to put her in the cot with the dummy
1.00 – seems to be working; no crying; out of the cot in Grandma’s arms She has now been awake and crying for 2 hours. 1.05 – quiet asleep in grandma’s arms with the dummy; attempts to put her back in the cot
1.10 – not going back, she is moving the cot back and forth. I hear little grunts from her and she starts crying again; grandma gives her the dummy but I don’t think it is working

1.12 – she is out of the cot again
1.20-1.30 – fed her 60 ml while she is resting on my chest. NO MORE FOOD!
1.38 – back in cot sleeping
1.40 – grandma back to bed, me too 4.20 – awake

Here you go!

I know, seems surreal at first sight but this is what we all have to deal with for some time.

Some of us, who were lucky enough to have multiples, even twice as much!

But don’t worry, it is still just a temporal stage that will pass one day and over time becomes just a distant, vague memory.

And more importantly, you will gradually start getting back so many amazing, magical rewards that you haven’t even dreamt of before. xx   

1 Comment

  1. This article is a good idea! I didnt have a clue what to expect after giving birth. Co-sleeping would solve the night (which seems to be the most demanding part of the day in the story). Many babies just dont want to sleep in a cot and co-sleeping is in our genetic memory as species.

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